Rotary & Ribfest - Community Coming Together
Oh Canada Ribfest takes place on Canada Day weekend every year, in Waterdown's Memorial Park. Come out for the ribs and stay for the live music, vendors in the Rotary Marketplace and family activities. All proceeds go to projects sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Flamborough AM and Waterdown.

What is ROTARY ?
Waterdown's Oh Canada Ribfest is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Flamborough AM and the Rotary Club of Waterdown, with about 50 members in total. We are all members of Rotary International, a worldwide service club of people who want to make a difference in our own communities, and around the world.
When you’re at Waterdown's Oh Canada Ribfest, watch for the blue ROTARIAN AT WORK t-shirts, and ask us why we joined Rotary and, more importantly, why we’ve stayed. You can also check out both Clubs’ Facebook pages for more info about the kinds of projects we’ve been involved in recently.

Top 5 Reasons to visit Rotary
Oh Canada Ribfest this year:
5. Ribs, ribs, and more ribs (chicken and corn too!)
4. Beer & Beverages – entire event is licensed!
3. Great Local Bands – free entertainment!
2. Family Fun – Visit the midway for rides an games
1. Support Local Charities – all profits go back to the community!
Some of Our Rotary Club Projects:
Food 4 Kids Hamilton
CHOICES Foundation
Cliff Lillicrop Bursaries, elementary student literacy awards
Eagles Nest
Flamborough Food Bank and Food With Grace
Flamborough Santa Claus Parade
Margaret's Place
Flamborough Women's Resource Centre,
Rotary Garden Court Seniors Home
Rotary Youth Exchange
Shelter Box
Migrants Matter Flamborough...
and MORE!